Saturday, November 19, 2011

War on drugs, double morality and blood..

The war on drugs worldwide has been a complete failure. The drugs dealing business is far from coming to an end. Countries that claim to have been "successful" in fighting drugs are just kicking out to the production to other places, meaning that it is just a re-allocation at the end; as whenever there is a demand, there will be a supply.

Two weeks ago an important journalist during a documentary discussion mentioned that there are numbers proving that only 5% of the profit generated of this forbidden business remains in the countries where it is produced (Latin-America) - the rest of this profit remains inside the borders of the main consumers (USA and Western Europe). The extensive number of victims of this stupid war (hundreds of thousands) happen mainly in the producing or trading countries (Colombia, Mexico). Therefore, the media is doing a really bad job portraying and blaming the wrong places; there is a double-morality on the issue in the consuming countries. 

We don't want more blood from this stupid war in Latin-America; we want a co-shared responsibility facing the issue, but above all that we want the entire world (or main players) to have a new and serious debate on drugs (legalization, responsibility, accuracy of information, etc)

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